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Hello Pulp Friends,
Here's my covers for THE SHADOW #6 an THE SPIDER #5* due in stores in September.
These are some of my favorite covers yet for this Pulp-tastic duo so I hope you dig them :)
Also a reminder that I will be at HEROES CON in CHarlotte this coming weekend. I will be sketching and have some Pulp Sunday and Black Beetle prints (among other stuff) - pls feel free to stop by and say hi.
Here is all the details about panels and sketching.

HEROES CON - Charlotte June 22-24
I'm so excited to be back to one of my favorite shows ever, especially after missing it last year for health issues. A lot of people have asked me about my sketch availability and rates, so here's how I plan to handle that (subject to change if needed).
Location: I'm in Artist Alley, table 313 (see diagram below), near dear friends like the Immonens and Mike Mignola.

Panels: I'm on 2 panels Saturday & a panel on Sunday I hope you'll attend.
SATURDAY 11:00 am
Room 207ABCD
COVER me HELLBOY (Covers Mini-series #2)
How do you scare someone or repulse someone and at the same time entice them enough to buy your comic book? That is the challenge that Hellboy and BPRD face every time they release a book. Join Cap Blackard as he examines Hellboy Cover art with Mike Mignola, Becky Cloonan, Francesco Francavilla and Dave Johnson. Stop reading this program and get your-bad-self up here NOW!!!!
SATURDAY 3:30 pm
Room 207ABCD
Batman: Black Mirror with Scott Snyder and Francesco Francavilla--Join our stalwart Discussion leader Jason Wheatley (sorry ladies--he’s single) as he sits down with Snyder and Francavilla, the creative team behind the best-selling Batman: Black Mirror storyline. Bring lots of questions. This is going to be really good!
SUNDAY 12.30 pm
Room 206
Comic Twart
Born on Twitter, several comic artists joined forces to draw a new character each week. Comic Twart is one of the longest running collectives of it’s kind! Visit them at www.comictwart.com/. Please join fellow “Twarters”: Francesco Francavilla, Mitch Gerads, Andy Kuhn, Dan Panosian, and Ramón Pérez, Ron Salas and maybe more as they discuss this fabulous site and maybe create art right before your eyes!
Signings: I will sign books and prints (and thank you for supporting me by buying my stuff)! If you have a lot of books and there's a long line, I may ask you to let me do it in batches just to be considerate to others. There might be some scheduling for the signing: if so, I will make sure to have a sign at my table.

Convention Sketches: Yes, I will be doing sketches at the show. I can't do any sketching prior to the show due to deadlines.
The sketches will be 9x12 Bristol, single-figure, some background, done with pencils, inks and probably washes.
My prices are: Head/Bust - $60; Full-Figure $200.
I try to do 8-10 of these per day. It's done first-come, first-serve, so just come see me early to get on the list. I will do a new list every day. I take cash or credit card (assuming this new iPad gizmo works).
Below is a sample of a 9x12 full figure, fully inked sketch.
Prints & Books: I'm driving so I will have a larger variety of prints with me. I'll definitely have some Black Beetle, Poe, Lovecraft, Phantoms of SPace (above), USRA, and lots of other prints. I'll also have a limited quantity of my sketchbooks (Chiaroscuro Vol.1 & Schermoscuro Vol.1). If there's something specific you want, I will gladly pre-sell these to you and you can pick them up at the show and save some shipping. Just email me for details and availability.
Hope to see you at the show :)
Meanwhile, wish you all a wonderful Pulp Sunday :)