Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Caverns of Death" (Sep 11, 1938)

Caverns of Death
The ShadowWhile visiting a cave just opened to the public, a few students fall down a pit when the rail gives way. A rescue team is sent to find eventual survivors (or at least to recuperate the students' bodies) but they found nothing. It seems a case for the Shadow! As matter of fact Lamont and Margot go down the cave to investigate and they discover a series of sinister activities in the lower levels of the caverns.

I have to admit I was fascinated by the description of the villain of this episode: a man who wears a gas mask all the time so no one has ever seen his face. Pretty cool, uh? That was definitely calling for being the main subject of my illustration.
Speaking of which, if any of you wants to see a particular episode of the Shadow illustrated here, feel free to post suggestions and/or titles.

Enjoy the epsiode and have a Pulp Sunday!


Download from the Internet Archive


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just found this bog. This stuff is great. Please keep it up. I'll be looking forward to it every week.

  3. Hi Bill,

    good to see you here :)
    I am trying to keep it up since August and so far so good ;) Glad to hear you will be checking back.
    This is a 50/50 deal: I am doing these for my love toward the genre, but I am doing these also for those out there who love the same stuff. Without you guys, this would be half the fun :)

