Sunday, December 23, 2007

"Blood on Christmas" part 4, Dec 23, 2007

Blood on Christmas
Hello dear Pulp Fans,

Welcome to the fourth installment of "Blood on Christmas". Things are getting crazy, and not just in this short tale of the Shadow. We are approaching Christmas so fast and there is much to do (shopping for gifts and then wrapping them ;) but mostly spending some quality Holiday time with my lovely wife :)) I barely had time today to do this strip, but I am glad I found the time. Don't miss the grand finale tomorrow - I hope you'll like what I have been cooking for ya :)

Enjoy and have a Pulp Christmas!


Blood on Christmas - Part 4

Blood on Christmas


  1. Looking forward to the big finale

  2. Great stuff Francesco, I love the pacing and the silent story telling.

    I'm going to be checking here first on the 25th for the big finale before I even look under the tree.

    Merry Christmas,


  3. Thank you srn and Brian :D
    As you can see, you didn't have to wait too long to see how this story ends ;)
    Hope you guys dig it and have a wonderful Christmas!

