Sunday, December 9, 2007

Pulp Spotlight: The Spider

Pulp Spotlight
New Feature: Pulp Spotlight

I have been illustrating several radio show of the Shadow in these past months, but it is my goal to cover also other characters of the Pulp Golden Age and other media as well. While I am planning to go back and do a few more Shadow radio episodes in the next few weeks, I would like to introduce a monthly new feature, called Pulp Spotlight. In this monthly appointment, I will provide a quick (illustrated) profile of other Pulp Heroes, based on suggestion you have been giving or on personal evergreen favorites.

Today's spotlight is dedicated to The Spider.

The Spider
The Spider was initially created as competition for The Shadow. The Spider, Master of Men!!, appeared in a series of pulp magazines from October 1933 to December, 1943. Six writers using the pen name of Grant Stockbridge kept America spellbound with the epic battles of Richard Wentworth (as the Spider) against the crime world. The Spider was known to be quiet strong and sometime ruthless in bringing justice where needed, most of time killing the bad guys first and asking questions later ;)

Eventually the success of this pulp hero was enough to grant a couple of movies and a constant revival of his "adventures" through the 20th Century (lately brought back to pulp life by Moonstone in the form of illustrated prose).

A good starting point to know more about the Spider is, as usual, the related topic page on wikipedia - .

Hope everyone enjoy the illo and have a great Pulp Sunday!



  1. have a guy at my work who actually wants people to call him "Spider." I believe after the pulp character. He is really not very Spider-ish. Love the illo as usual.

  2. Yeah, I ran into this guy when I was researching the golden age characters from Ellis' Planetary. Great new feature, by the way.

  3. Pulp heroes uh? Here's some I would like to see from you: Space ghost, Mandrake, Conan, Tarzan, the Phantom, Rocketeer, Diabolik, Tex, Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers and many many others but, above all, Zorro (of course!!!)

  4. srhWhere do you work? ;)
    Thank you for the always very kind words :)
    kyle latinoI am glad you dig the new feature, Kyle :) It means I am doing things right ;)
    fedemilellaHA! Ok, I took note of the characters, Fede ;) And I am glad to see Diabolik among them :)


  5. You've captured so perfectly the feeling of the old serials. It's so refreshingly escapist.

  6. Thank you, Ray, it feels good to know I was able to capture, even if a little, that old pulp feel :)


  7. I think this is a great Spider illustration. You have gotten the pulp feel down pat for this character.


  8. Thank you, Ilia :D
    There is nothing better (well, maybe one thing or two ;)) than draw a guy with fedora and guns in a dark alley ;)


  9. I am using pulp art and illustrations to further my own imagination. This (and the AMAZING Shadow illustration at the top of the page) are perhaps the best modern depictions of Pulp heroics I have found. If someone ever decides to do a comic or illustrated varient of my ePulp work, I am going to beg them to hire you for it!
