Sunday, January 6, 2008

"The White Legion" (Mar 20, 1938)

Gun Island
A "shadowy" group of masked men who call themselves The White Legion - Avengers of Injustice - are kidnapping and executing by hanging (after some sort of trial) key witnesses in an upcoming high profile court case against a famous gangster. Somehow the press is not covering the activities of The White Legion which makes Lamont suspicious about the whole situation (as he witnesses, first hand, the kidnapping of the assistant D.A.).

Lamont's suspicions lead him and Margo to follow Clays - the newspaper editor - to a rundown shack on the river. That's where the Shadow is forced to come into the game...

The ShadowI liked the idea of this masked organization, and even if the name reminds a bit of the well known triple K, the description of the outfit and the purposes of the White Legion in the episode made me thing more to some kind of Masonic organization, so I came up with the design for the guys that you can appreciate in more details (including personalized logo ;)) on the left.

Finally it's cool to hear Orson Welles and Agnes Moorehead at the end of the episode (which was what we would call "the season finale" of that winter) inviting the listeners to call Blue Coal and tell how much they enjoyed the Shadow shows and to ask for more. Without sponsor, as we all know, there is no show ;)

Enjoy the episode and have a Pulp Sunday!


Download this episode


  1. The Shadow's pose is impressive!!! I really like it... so simple yet so powerful!!! :)

  2. Cool entry. You really blow me away with the apparent ease with which you create.

  3. Fede: because he is always in control ;) Grazie, cumpa' :)
    srh: thank you so much :) Trust me, it's not as ease as it looks ;) I wish it was, so I coul do more :P


  4. I love this art! I was actually talking with a college last month about filming a short film on this episode. Giving shadow fan's a more violent and stressed Shadow short film.

    Black and White filmed - a bit abstract but staying on the train tracks of The Shadow -

    Now that we have an enemy image - thank you for your amazing illustration on the mason's -just an amazing visual.
