Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Voodoo" (Mar 30, 1941)

Voodoo Month
Hello pulp-friends,

Welcome to first edition of Pulp Sunday Presents: Voodoo Month ! I am going to feature several episodes of the Shadow dealing with one of the most ancient magic, the one that is so powerful that can bring people back from the dead! And it will be not just about the Sunday Shadow radio-shows: I am going to add here and there (based on my schedule of course ;)) movies and other voodoo stuff.
Ok, enough of this mubo-jumbo, let's get down to business ;)
A trip down to an island not too far from the Georgia Coast; an island where the natives practice a voodoo cult which consists in worshipping the reptiles; a powerful amulet called the "snake stone" to be weared around the neck; a murder case (of course); and a guy called Sebastian who will turn out to be a key figure in this whole story.
That's the first episode I featured on this blog that starts with some sort of camp-fire, spooky/ghost story tales, with Margot and Lamont telling the adventure that saw them dealing with a massive crowd of vooddo followers and surviving to it.

Listen this episode from the Internet Archive and look forward for more in this "VOODOO MONTH"!!!



  1. great composition in this one. the shadow blends in except for the red shawl. both pics are really nice. love it.

  2. Love the 'skeleton men'...

    You and I are going to have to do some illustrated pulp together. No doubt in my mind.

  3. Thank you, Ilia :D Hopefully I am saving the best composition for a certain commission ;)
    Thank you, Bill :) I use to say: never say never :D


  4. Ha, Voodoo month. Francesco, you have some of the best theme ideas around. Looking forward to more.

  5. Thank you, Evan :) I should have some more Voodoo also in June: it's my way to chill the summer ;)

