Monday, July 14, 2008

9 Lombrose St. - Day 10 ~~ "The Grand Finale" ~~

9 Lombrose St.
Hello Pulp Friends!

And here it is, the "Sum of all the fears... err... the villains" ;):D
Maybe someone saw this coming due the weird shape of the different "pieces" but I hope everyone enjoy the "puzzle" put together in the last 10 days :)
Have a great week, everyone, and, as always, viva la Pulp :)


9 Lombrose St. - The Grand Finale

"Lombrose St." and "9 Lombrose St." © 2008 Francesco Francavilla


  1. You know - I had it in the waaaay-back of my mind that you would link these somehow, but again you've exceeded my expectations!

    A wonderful surprise indeed.

  2. Wow. I mean, just wow. This whole time I just didn't see what this was adding up to. I saw the 'pieces' and thought,"those are weird shapes."

    Great job. Inspired and inspirational.

  3. Oh my.
    What a wonderful "insta-classic" piece you've got there, Francesco!
    It was wonderful to watch the whole thing unfold. There are lots of folks (including me) who try to pay homage to our pulp roots, but your stuff looks like it just fell out of one of the fraying pulp magazines.
    Thanks for doing this!

  4. you are genius!

    awesome piece francesco.

  5. Bill: thank you :) I am glad I still managed to surprise you :)
    Kyle: thank you so much :) Yeah, I knew that eventually the weird shapes would have hinted to some kind of puzzle ;)
    Dave: You are being too kind but I appreciate it :) Thank you and I don't recall if I said it already but I LOVE your Ghost Zero :)
    Ramon: great to see you here :D and thank you so much for the kind comment :)

    It was lot of fun so I am glad that a bit of it came through the blog to you guys :)


  6. Genius. That is just amazing. Dick Tracy was amazing. Your art and desgin on this project superb.


  7. That is effing cool! Great, as always Francesco!

  8. Thank you so much, Ilia and Rory, glad you enjoyed the Finale :D


  9. Sei un artista incredibile Francesco!
    Spero che prima o poi i tuoi lavori siano pubblicati anche in Italia. :)

  10. Okay, that was seriously awesome.

    For the Dick Tracy illiterate the outline supposed to be Tracy?

    Cause I guess it almost looks like it could be another villain, because I see almost something like "teeth" in in there, so it looks a bit dark to me.

    Awesome stuff!

  11. Maurizio: Grazie! :D I hope they publish them in Italian: so far you can only get my books in English and I know that can be a little of a problem sometimes...
    Mike: thank you for the shout-out on your cool PopCulture news site, I really appreciate it :) The outlined head should be Dick Tracy indeed (even if it could be any guy with a fedora ;)) and I know what you mean with those "teeth": that car windshield were a very unfortunate location choice: I didn't think to the whole picture when I drew that single piece ;)


  12. With my sincere apologies to Mike, last night I might have been a little sleepy and mis-type his cool news website, which is
    Again, thank you for the reviews :)

