Monday, July 7, 2008

9 Lombrose St. - Day 3 ~~ "Flattop Sr." ~~

9 Lombrose St.
Hello Pulp Friends!

so the cat is out of the bag: you all guessed these are Dick Tracy's villains. Kudos to you all :) (even if, since I have great respect of your pulp knowledge, I was expecting nothing less from you ;))
I have been itching to draw this guy since I had the idea to do this. Ladies & Gentlemen, here's Flat Top for day 3! :)


Flat Top

"Lombrose St." and "9 Lombrose St." © 2008 Francesco Francavilla


  1. These are great interpretations, Francesco! Pulp Sunday is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites to visit.

  2. I quite agree, I've been turning into a bigger and bigger fan of your work the more I see. Black Coat just knocked my socks off and Zorro's been pure joy. Your work is as thrilling as Hal Foster or Alex Raymond. And hey if Dave Flora likes you, that would be enough. I'm loving this Dick Tracy theme, now I'm going to have dig up some of my old reprints. Such a great strip.

  3. These are great works of art! I'm a big Dick Tracy fan so I can't wait to see your interpretations of some of these characters. So far I'm loving what you're doing to them. Awesome stuff Mr Francesco! Keep it up! :)

  4. Thank you so much, Dave, Greg, and Cohen: your comments are so flattering that they make me blush :) I am just happy you guys are having as much fun as I am doing these :)

    Cheers to you all :)

