Friday, August 15, 2008

"SMILE" - Day 1

SMILE - Day 1
Alright guys, I hope you don't mind if I mix a bit two features we have seen here at Pulp Sunday for the next few days: the features I am referring to are the Shadow strips I did on Xmas and the recent Dick Tracy's A Villain a Day.

So for the next few days I will be posting a panel a day (mostly) of this short story I had in mind. I am not going into details becuase I like the surprise you all tomorrow with panel 2 ;)

And, of course, it's Pulp (1941, c'mon... :))
Hope you enjoy this ride :)

Please also allow me to dedicate this project to Mike Wieringo (who left us a year ago in these days) and to Carlos Meglia, who sadly just left us: hope you guys are keeping drawing the awesome wherever you are and keep inspiring who's left behind.

Cheers to you, Mike and Carlos.


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