Sunday, August 17, 2008

"SMILE" - Day 3

SMILE - Day 2
Hello Pulp friends,

Day 3 is here with the final panel of the first strip (which you can see in its entirity and in color below - click on it for larger view). Stay tuned for the next panels which will conclude this short Cap America tale.

Have a great Pulp Sunday, everyone!

SMILE - Day 2


  1. great artwork as always...

    just so you know

    " in der weinkelere. "
    is just plain wrong.

    It should read
    " im weinkeller. "

  2. HA! That's what I get relyiyng on babelfish when it comes down to languages I don't speak ;)

    Thanks for the kind words and thanks for the correction: I will fix it when I will actually digital letter these strips (my hand lettering kinda sucks ;).
    I might also bother you with an email next time I deal with some German words, if that's cool :)


  3. You really should be drawing Cap. Coming from the guy who lettered the first The Black Forest graphic novel (only that because it was over 100 pages) and writing my own story taking place in the same forest around the same year as yours...well I have to say this is perfect.

    I'd love to send the script your way just to take a look.

  4. Great stuff, Francesco, I've been thinking of a very similar story to animate for years now,( Well, the whole cap in a German Castle part, I'm sure yours will end differently..:) How do you find the time for this? Aren't you currently penciling like 9 books already?

  5. Anjin: cool, thank you :)
    Anthony: thank you :) A cool ww2 cap mini would be nice: someone tell Marvel, quickly! ;) I need to grab a copy of Black Forest: I heard good things about it :) And I got your email - will be replying soon.
    Rory: animated? Would love to see what you have so far :) You will see my ending on this short tale soon ;) And yes, I shouldn't be doing this since I am working on those 9 books, but I am weak like that ;) Thanks for the kind comment :)

