Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Zorro - Chapter 8

Zorro #5

Hi guys,

Sorry for the long pause, but due to a sudden opening in my wife's schedule, we went to Italy to visit my family for a couple of weeks and just got back (still feeling the jet-leg effects).
And it seems I got back just in time for the early release of the final chapter of my arc on the origins of The Fox. As some of you will know by now, I am not drawing the next 6 issue arc (art duties will be given to Cesar Razek), but I will be providing the front covers for the whole second arc and should be back drawing the interior pages as well with the third arc. Meanwhile I will be busy, in the next few months, working on a mini for Wildstorm (details to follow).

Getting back on topic, here's some preview pages from Zorro #8 on sale today. Hope you guys have enjoyed the arc and thank you all for the always kind words and support.


Zorro #8 - page 1
Zorro #8 - page 3
Zorro #8 - page 10


  1. Wow. Wow. Wow. I don't know what else to say. It just looks amazing. Welcome home though, I hope your trip was enjoyable and that your family is well. Take care.

  2. Welcome back, Francesco! Thanks for the look at the beautiful art...and I'm looking forward to what this Wildstorm mini might be!

    All the best,


  3. Thank you so much, Greg, Dave, and Lark :D The first run was fun and now I am having fun drawing front and back covers for the second run. I will be showcasing a bit of the new mini at WS as well as soon as I can.

    The trip was great indeed and I finally got to recharge a bit my batteries ;)

