Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Classic Portraits: Tracy in "Riffraff" (1936) & Lorre in "Think Fast Mr Moto" (1936)

Classic Portraits
Hello Pulp Friends,

That's right, it's a new features week I guess ;)

Classic Portraits will see famous movie faces from the '30s, '40s, and '50s (I think that should do it for now) portraited like movie posters. Hope you guys dig the idea and enjoy the art, and as usual feel free to consider this as a starting point of discussions and chats on our favorite movies :)

Let's start with a couple of classics: Spencer Tracy in "Riffraff" (1936) and Peter Lorre in "Think Fast, Mr Moto" (from the same year). Speaking of Mr Moto, the '30s saw lots of "Great Detectives from East" (mostly starred by not-Eastern actors) so expect to see more of them in here too ;)

Finally a little trivia (if we can call it that way): the style of these portraits is inspired by the original movie poster of Riffraff featuring a beautiful portrait of the gorgeous Jean Harlow.


Spencer Tracy in Riffraff

Peter Lorre in Think Fast, Mr Moto


  1. Just saw THINK FAST, MR MOTO for the first time mere weeks ago. Fantastic movie! I don't know if the series ever again retained Moto's mystery and menace like this one did, particularly in his confrontation with the "stewart" whom Moto essentially kills to preserve his investigation. Beautiful capture, Mr. Francavilla!

  2. LOVE IT. Bogie and Bacall. That's all I'm saying.

  3. Grrr!
    I'm envious of your serious "whip out the art"-fu you've got going on, Francesco!
    I've got to learn how to live off of nectar so I can ditch this dayjob!)
    Great classic stuff!!


  4. Chad: thank you so much :) I haven't seen the movies in a looong time so I need to refresh my memory asap.
    Anthony: thank you! :) And don't worry: they are definitely on the list ;)
    Dave: HA! I wish I could do these all day long too, but I do have to get back to some comic pages if I want to get some bucks before the holidays ;) Thanks, Dave :)


  5. Ciao Francesco
    You should make postcards with the classic posters!
    Cheers Michi

  6. That's a great idea too, Michi: I think they work in smaller size. Thanks for visiting me on the blogs. I still need to email you ;)

