Sunday, January 11, 2009

"The Lady in Black" (Nov 22, 1942)

The Lady in Black
"The SHadow is BACK!!!"
That's right, finally, after a few months, we get back to those old pulp radio episodes of the Shadow: I hope you are as excited as I was today :) Let's get soon to it, without any more delays.

A series of apparent suicides brings Lamont and Margo to investigate an old story about a chemist/painter, Albert Gerner, and his famous painting "The Lady in Black". The subject of the painting killed herself after being portrayed, or this is what the artist said before disappearing himself.
The shadow will find the truth behind the mystery of "The Lady in Black", and this time Margo's notes will result to be very helpful in solving the case.

Enjoy the show and have a great (pulp) Sunday!

Listen to this Episode

The Lady in Black


  1. Who knows how much I missed this feature? The SHADOW knows!

    Haha. I kill me...

  2. Amazing stuff here - hope there is much MUCH more to come

  3. I think my favorite part of the episode was when the police officer says something like, "Dead... another suiside." Guys a moron.

  4. Classic! Francesco, you HAVE to do a Shadow short story or have a perfect style for it! I haven't heard this particular story, so I'm very much looking forward to listening to it! Thanks so much!


  5. Kyle: HA! yeah, these old time shows are full of those lines :D I also enjoyed the Blue COal commercial in this episode which, wisely, invites people to do a considerate use of the coal so that everyone gets some: share the coal! :) Thanks for the kind words :)
    BrikHed: Thank you! :) there will definitely be more as long I find available recordings of those shows.
    Dave: thank you :D and I would love to do a longer story (I did the short one last year for xmas).
    Who knows? The SHadow knows :D


  6. Nice to see the Shadow radio programs back. I think your movie style stills are great.

  7. Thank you so much, Ilia, I am glad to be back to do some radio show as well :D

