Sunday, February 15, 2009


"Strange things happen
in the darkest nights.

Strange things like
the one that happened to Charlie,
just when he thought everything
and everyone was lost".

~~~ Opening Doors Into The Darkness ~~~



  1. Shall I mention my gas mask affections? And how anyone looks like a pure-dee badass in a gas mask? This is a beautiful shot, FF. Again, your natural dynamic sense shines.

  2. Drama, drama, DRAMA!
    That's a great example of how you frame a shot to be affective. Yes, as with Chad, gas masks get extra points!)
    Thanks, Francesco!

  3. Hey Francesco, Just wanted to say I love your work and this excellent blog.
    Best, Simon

  4. Chad: thank you so much :D Now that I know your special affection, I will try to do more gas masks ;)
    Dave: glad you liked the composition: it's supposed to be a teaser, so I guess it worked well :) Thank you!
    Rofe: thank you so much :D
    Simon: thank you for letting me know and for the kind words, I truly appreciate it :D

