Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Altar of Death" (March 15, 1942)

Altar of Death
Hello Pulp Friends,

Today's episode of the SHadow has all the elements of those exotic mystery tales: a vulcano island with natives, drums beating and fires going by night, people disappearing (usually a couple, a man and a woman, every year during Girmet, "The Night That Eats Men"), human sacrifices, and, of course, The Shadow finding out if all this is really about a primitive god or something much more "material".

Enjoy the show and have a great (pulp) Sunday!

Listen to this Episode


  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome!)
    I can seriously relate, because I have "the day-job that eats men"!
    Er...well, it may be different.
    Anyway, thanks for this gem, Francesco! Always nice to come by here and pour a glass of pulp!)

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dave :D Always great to have props by a pulp artist (and writer) like yourself :)


  3. I've just found your blog, and I really like the illos you're doing for the old Shadow shows. This one is particularly nice, with the Shadow silhouette in the clouds against the moon.

  4. I've just found your blog, and I really like the illos you're doing for the old Shadow shows. This one is particularly nice, with the Shadow silhouette in the clouds against the moon.
