Hello Pulp Friends,
first of all let me thank you all for the huge response to past week poll: hearing from you Pulp fans and friends meant a lot to me and helped me in picking the first character to get the webcomic treatment, a new territory for me for more than one reason, including also the fact this will be my first attempt at writing a serialized comic. (Please wish me good luck on that too ;))
So, without reporting the numbers again,
Black Beetle seemed to have gathered the double of the votes that
Max Malone got, making
BB the winner of the poll and the subject of my webcomic.
MM seemed to have quite a few fans as well, so he is not going to diseppear, don't worry - let's just say he will be on vacation for some time but he will be back :)
I am still trying to figure out a few things, but I had a pretty good idea for the first story of
Black Beetle and the title will either be "The Web" (as in the previous teasers) or "Along Came A SPider".

Since yesterday it was clear
BB was going to be the winner, I started to think about the settings for the comic: I needed a city in the tradition of those pulp/noir asphalt jungles and Gotham City and NYC, so I came out with
Colt City. More about the back story of
Colt City later, right now I hope you guys enjoy the above postcard :)
I also started to work on the look & feel of the story. Attached to this post there is a couple of concepts like the above car and the CCPD chopper below, which I hope you dig.
As you can see, I am developing this as I go, right on front of your eyes: I just hope I am heading in the right direction.
Still working on the format (comicpress and stuff) but eventually I am going to give
Black Beetle its own spot (meaning Pulp Sunday will not be the official BB home ;))
Meanwhile I hope you enjoy the images (click ont hem to see a larger size) and the progress.
Have a great Pulp Sunday everyone :)

All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla