Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Coming Home...

Lullaby - pag.3 color

Hi guys,

I had to take a break from the BB stuff this week for focusing on some work that is due ;)
One of the project is my short tale (I am wirting, drawing, and coloring this) for the anthology Outlaw Territory vol.II, coming from Image Comics.
Here's page 3 which probably is also the last page I am showing, otherwise I am going to spoil my story. I thought this was a good cliffhanger to end the preview with ;)

Have a great Pulp day everyone :)


Lullaby - pag. 3 detail

Lullaby - pag. 3 inks


  1. This look nice as always mate keep it up ?

  2. What kinda westerns you like .

  3. Yow. Great feeling of isolation there, Francesco, and certainly quite the cliffhanger! Good luck on getting those paying gigs done...we'll wait!)

  4. once again, great stuff. i firmly think you need to do a western.

  5. Slavi: thank you :) I like all kinda of western, especially the spaghetti ones :)
    Dave: thanks! :D Wait to see the other pages, I am sure you are gonna like'em :)
    Ilia: thank you :) I am doing this western short for a western anthology. And I will be back soon on the third arc of Zorro which promises to be pretty western in themes. And there is one more thing I will announce soon ;)

