Sunday, June 14, 2009


Black Beetle: page 5
Hello Pulp friends :)

Page 5 is here - I told you things were getting HOT, didn't I? ;)

Next Sunday I will probably take a break since I will be at Heroes Con in Charlotte (if you are going make sure to stop by my table and say hi - planning to have also some Black Beetle goodies with me), so I will see you in two weeks for the new Black Beetle page (or maybe sooner...).

Have a great Pulp Sunday everyone :)


All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Wow, that's a great page! I love the mood you achieve with the yellow paper and red toning.

  2. Oh wow! What a fantastic page!

    Beetle sure does show up prepared.

    Good stuff.

    Have fun at the con Francesco, and if you have any Beetle treats left over i would totally be interested. :)

  3. Scream and swoon, FF. Scream and swoon!

  4. Oh man that is sweet! I wish I was going to be at the con too, to see what you've got up your sleeve.

  5. By the way Francesco, I'll be in Charlotte next weekend too, I hope I'll get a chance to meet you!

  6. Holy shit is Steve Epting!

    Great page Francesco, BB's appearance is nothing short of awesome. I knew that the good ol' vigilante couldn't raid a mob-ridden place without a bang!

  7. I think you should start your own rock band cuz you rock so much .
    No you are the rock band .
    Keep it rock and roll .Mister

  8. Kyle: thank you :) Pretty happy with this new palette myself ;)
    Simon: Oh yeah, he is prepared alright ;) Thank you, Simon, and I just posted about the BB goodies - just lemme know if you are interested in any.
    Chad: HA! Thank you so much :D
    George: as mentioned, I just posted something about that ;) You know my email :)
    Steve: thank you so much :) and yes, after the big miss of last year (and we were sitting a few feet away) we definitely have to meet this time - see you in a couple of days :)
    Neue: Thank you :) And yes, there will be a bang! ;)
    Slavi: HA! :D Thank you, I will keep "playing" this kinda music for sure ;)

