Sunday, August 2, 2009


Black Beetle: pages 8-9
Hello Pulp friends :)

with today's page, "NO WAY OUT" is taking a little break. Good things are happening to Black Beetle so you will be able (hopefully sometime soon-ish) to read the whole first mini (132 pages circa) printed on nice paper and holding it in your hands :D
Somehow I managed to package a really good story, I think, and can't wait to show it to you guys :)

Meanwhile I am planning to go back and doing a few more illustrated OTR shows (with related mp3) and few more special weeks (like Mad Doctors or a British Pulp week, like a friend was suggesting :)). And there will be more little tales from Colt City: that city is just too big to be just about BB ;)
As you can see, there will be still pleanty of Pulp goodness in here so stay tuned!

Hope you dig page 10 and have a great Pulp Sunday everyone :)


All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Oh that's fantastic news mate! Has BB been picked up by a publisher, or will it be self-published? Either way i'm looking forward to seeing BB in good old-fashioned print.

    Also... nice page... very intrigueing.

    Also also... can't wait to see all the pulpy goodness you have coming up in the blog.


  2. Well, when I was in Charlotte, everyone buying the ashcan or checking the sample book I had on my table was asking the same question, over and over: "WHEN IS COMING OUT?" so I have been working to have soon an answer for that question ;)
    Thank you, Simon, glad you are as excited as I am, and thanks for digging the page :)
    Of course, since Black Beetle is getting his own title, this fall will not be fatal for him, but it should be interesting to discover the way he survived the fall ;)

    Everyone else still on board? I hope my SD break didn't interrupt the pulp mojo flow on Pulp Sunday ;)


  3. Always present in spirit if not the flesh, my friend! Work has been so crazy I haven't even been able to break away for a quick pulp-break!
    I'm looking forward to hearing more about BB, and of course, looking forward to more Pulp Sundays!

  4. Thank you, Dave, always good to hear from you :D And I know you have been busy: I am sure once your awesome Doc Monster tales will be out the Pulp world will be a little richer :)

