Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shadow of the Skies

Doc Monster: Shadow of the Skies
Hello Pulp friends :)

like we see it happening in each Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror, here's a little "cameo" of UFOs in between old pulpy horrors.

There are two reasons for today's post.
The main is that I wanted to pay tribute to the latest AWESOME creation of the cool and talented Dave Flora, of Ghost Zero fame. His Doc Monster is running this month competition over at Zuda Comics, DC label for webcomics.
If you haven't voted yet for Doc Monster, please do now by clicking here: there is still 48 hours to make Doc Monster win :)

The other reason is that, while October was dedicated to the horror, November will be all about classic sci-fi and aliens, thanks to the premiere, on Nov 3rd, of the new version of "V" on ABC. I did an ALIEN month in December 2008, so, about a year later, it's time to see more "Watchers" invading Pulp Sunday.
Hope you guys will tune in for some extra-terrestrial Pulp :)


All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. I know I gushed in the email reply, Francesco, but let me say again that you do things with images that I never expect to see!
    Very much appreciated, my friend, and a very Happy Halloween to everyone a Pulp Sunday!

  2. That's two great flavors together. Dave's stuff is great, and I love what you've done with Doc here.

  3. Hey, this post encouraged me to go check out Dave's strip and it was lots of fun to read.

    Thanks for the heads up!

  4. DAve: my pleasure and thanks again for letting me play with your cool creation :) I might do some more Doc down the road ;)
    Evan: glad you liked my take - thank you! :D
    Chuck: see? My work is done: I converted a new reader to Doc Monster :D

