Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Vault of Fear - "The Thing From The Sewers!"

The Vault of Fear
Hello, Pulp Friends,

This week cover is truly "pulp" since the artwork is from 1988! I colored it today and "dressed" up a bit to make it a cover for The Vault Of Fear :)
Hope you guys dig this 21 years old illo which I accurately censored ;)

Have a Pulp Sunday everyone! :)


The Thing From The Sewers!

Artwork © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
"Hammerin' Fears" and "The Vault of Fear" © and TM 2009 Francesco Francavilla.


  1. you inking work really inspire me sir...


  2. I really like the "peek-aboo" effect on this one.

    Pulp-inspired, for sure!

  3. Good Heavens! October is probably the best month to check up on your posts, Francesco! Such wonderful art...and such great shows...thanks for putting them together for us!
    I've been working diligently on adding to my movie education recently...I just watched (for the first time) "The Blob", "The Quartermass Experiment" and "The Man from Planet X"!
    So much great fun!

    Thanks again, my friend!


  4. Was the original art image area for this larger than the size you currently use?
    And any chance we can see the (drool) uncensored version?

  5. Azhar: thank you so much :)
    Chuck: pulp indeed :) Thank you!
    Dave: You just watched the BLOB for the first time?? I remember I was scared by that movie as a kid. My worry was: what if the cold of the pole will not keep that "thing" dormient? ;) Good to see you here, and also a reminder for something I need to do asap ;)
    Britt: the original art is on a letter size paper, which translates in a shorter height when related to comicbook size. I will see where I can post the uncensored version ;)


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