Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Breslau Enters the Bosphorus

Black Beetle: Destinazione Constantinopoli
Hello Pulp friends :)

Couldn't help to post some more of the strip/page that will be up tomorrow. Working on dialogues/captions today. Hope you guys are as excited as I am :)
Click on the image for larger view.

Spread the word: BB is back! :)


All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
KARA BOCEK, BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. I think the research you put into this stuff is amazing Francesco... like this ship and the car from the previous picture... all authentic to the period and done in great detail. Awesome.

  2. Thank you, Simon, and I am glad you mentioned the research thing, since there is indeed a lot of prep work in that sense, even with geography, clothes, names, etc. Heck I am also getting into knowing some basic words in Turkish so I can use them in the story. Like I already did with the title... ;)


  3. Cool. :)

    Most of my comic ideas seem to be set in foreign places or cultures i know almost nothing about, so i know how research-intensive this stuff can be.

    I assumed the title was a name.


    Does it mean something like "land of the beetle"?

  4. It should actually translate as "Black Beetle" in Turkish (if I researched it right ;)).
    Thanks for pimping the event on your blog and on Twitter, Simon, I really appreciate it :)
    And I totally DIG the Santa version of yourself on your blog: perfect for the Xmas spirit :D


  5. Ohhh yeah you're right i missed the adjective part of the translation.

    And no worries about the pimping... if i can do anything else let me know.

    BTW i'm close to finishing that BB fan art finally... it took me sooo long. It's looking... okay.

    Santa me is so awesome i'm sad i can't pull off a beard like that for real.

  6. Looking forward to the BB photo, SImon, can't wait :D

