Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kara Bocek pag.2

Kara Bocek page 2
Hello Pulp friends :)

Here is page 2, sooner than expected since you all demanded it :)
Click on the image or click here for a bigger view.

Hope you guys dig it. If you do, feel free to spread the word and let everyone know about this little Black Beetle tale :)
And expect some more FUN on page 3 this coming Sunday :)


All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
KARA BOCEK, BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Sinistar and wonderful, Francesco! "Who is the American stranger? What is this "item", and is it important enough to kill for? Tune in next time to find out!"

  2. What a great page! Again the detail is astounding.

  3. Wow!

    Great page, format, illustrations and color elections!


  4. Awesome period detail. It looks beautiful...

    Keep it coming!

  5. I like your work, man! Realy! It´s great! I´m from Brazil and now your fan! hehehe! Amazing!
    "Muito foda"!
    See ya!

  6. You know, what I really enjoy about this page is the first panel. Classic use of foreground, middleground and background, but the juxtoposition of the buildings and then this huge ship behind them is really fantastic. It's unexpected and really builds an air of the exotic into the story.

  7. Dave: thanks, man :) I might need to start to use those tease-questions/phrases at teh end of each episode ;) And glad you liked that establishing shot: it took me several try to find the right color for the ship so to have the sense of depth right and not making it looking like part of the buildings.
    Simon: I appreciate you appreciating the details :D Thank you, sir :)
    Rofe: thank you so much for the kind comment :)
    James: I am doing my homeworks before even starting to draw,s o I am glad to hear it shows :D Thank you!
    Ed: Obrigado, Ed, great to see more friends from Brazil joining the fun :)

    Buckle up & Stay tuned tomorrow for episode 3 :D

