Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Pulpy Xmas!!!

Merry Xmas from the Black Beetle
Hello Pulp friends :)

I couldn't make time to do the next page of KARA BOCEK but I did find time to do this quick Xmas-sy card so we all can get a bit of Black Beetle spirit for the holiday :)
Have a Wonderful Christmas, everyone, and I will see you next week with a new Kara Bocek page!


All images © 2009 Francesco Francavilla.
KARA BOCEK, BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. tanti Auguri! buon Natale! e Buon Anno nuovo!

  2. Instant Jell-O smile, FF! Also timely considering the body slam of snow along the eastern US and midwest.

    Beautiful work, chief.

  3. Wonderful sense of atmosphere on this one Francesco. I feel a chill just looking at it.

  4. The perfect present for all readers of this blog! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  5. Mitsobonos: Grazie mille! Ricambio gli auguri, specialmente per un felice Anno Nuovo :)
    Chad: Thank you! :D Yep, it's gettin a little too cold and snowy for my tastes here lately ;)
    Brian: thank you :) Chill of cold of chill of fear? ;)
    Craig: Thanks! I spent most of the Xmas day driving, but we did have a nice evening with my wife's parents and grandparents (and quite a few more members of her family ;))

