Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Rocketeer in "One Down, Next Up"

The Rocketeer by Francesco Francavilla

Here's a Rocketeer 'thing I did (in between pages here and there since Monday) for this week theme at Comic Twart (you should check the other awesome entries -outstanding work from everyone!)

When I heard about the topic for this week, last Friday, I had 3 ideas popping up in my head. I went with the "quickest" one, which was a remake of an old composition I did a few years ago and never got around finishing it. You can see the "starting" pencils here, along with my memories of the late Dave Stevens (I had the honor to meet him and chat with him years ago in SD with the good friend and super talented Jim Steranko - speaking of hanging out with the "cool kids").

Click on the above image for viewing the whole illo in its cinemascopic entirety :)

I may tackle the other two ideas when I get some spare time.



  1. that is epically awesome. Makes me want a sequel to that film.

  2. Thank you, Zach :D A new Rocketeer movie would be awesome indeed :)


  3. That is dynamite!

    What I wouldn't give to have that hanging on my wall.

    That's a very nice realization of Cliff Secord, Francesco. I also got one chance to speak with Stevens in the early 1990's and even scored a quick sketch off of him. A great guy and mega-talented too.

  4. Very dynamic and bursting with energy.

  5. *squeals* The Rocketeer!! Oh man, I loved this movie. I still do. I gotta watch it again....

    This is awesome, I know I've told you before, but you have a really beautiful style.

    I finally got around to reading the comic book of it, and was surprised to discover that it was not Howard Hughes but Doc Savage, Monk Mayfair and Ham Brooks that appeared in it!

  6. Chuck: thank you so much, maybe we could arrange for a print of it when I come to Charlotte next time? ;) ANd you are better than me becuase I didn't ask Dave any sketch :(
    Brian: thank you, glad the action came out right :)
    LD: grazie mille, you are very kind :) I haven't seen the movie in a while myself, but I keep listening to the soundtrack at least once a week :)

