Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some Z and some News

Zorro #19 Back Cover
Hello Pulp Friends,

sorry for the interruption of transmission in this past week but I have been without Internet service since Dec 30th (I guess I can say since last year ;)) and finally got the technical issue resolved yesterday (YAY!) :)
I used the the "down time" to wrap up an issue of Zorro and at the same time I have been invited by the supersweet folks (Shelton, Dustin and friends) of Heroes Aren't Hard to FInd to be featured guest at their one day show, the Charlotte Mini Con, on the 23rd of this month. If you are in the area, please stop by and say hi (I might have some Kara Bocek movie posters/prints too ;))

So here's the Zorro back cover for the upcoming issue 19 that teases about issue 20 (conclusion of the third arc) and below the mini poster I did for let you know about the Charlotte mini con. You can go here for more details and for downloading a pdf flyer, if needed. As you can see, our Black Beetle will be helping in promoting the show :)

I will be right back with more pulpy stuff soon, including Sherlock Holmes and, of course, the next pages of Black Beetle's Kara Bocek :)
I am planning to make the 2010 even pulpier than 2009 here @ Pulp SUnday: stay tuned, everyone! :D


Charlotte Mini Con

KARA BOCEK, BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2006-2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. That back cover is outstanding, Francesco.

    Have a great time at the show.

  2. Thank you, Brian :D It's always great time in Charlotte :D

