Thursday, February 4, 2010

Torpedo 1916-1926

Torpedo 1916
Hello Pulp Friends,

I am so happy the guys at Comic Twart are chosing pulp heroes as topic for the weekly jams. That allows me to tackle some of my fav characters, like Abuli & Bernet's TORPEDO for example :)

Above you see my entry for the jam: a very young Luca Torelli in a little scene I titled "My First Fedora" :)

This one of the nr.2 of the 3 ideas I had for the jam, and below you can see the nr.3 which I will eventually develop in a more finished illo (when I get chance). The first idea is also looking for a abit of time so I can sit down and inkwash it ;)
Hope you guys dig it :)


Torpedo 1926

Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla