Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hey Oscar Wilde!

Hey Oscar Wilde! It's Clobberin' Time!!
(click on the above image for larger view)

It's Clobberin' Time!!!

That's the slogan and title of one of the coolest blog on the web, put together by the good Steven Gettis, who years ago started to ask artists and writers to sketch or draw their favorite literary author or character.
The result is a gallery of little gems from tons of talented folks. I was honored to be part of the gallery some time ago and I contributed with one of my favorite writers: H P Lovecraft. I am hoping to do some more in the near future :)
You can check Steven's blog here.
Recently Steven had the idea to have rotating top banner for the blog, and I have been meaning to do one myself since I saw the beautiful take of Stuart Immonen and finally got around doing it (the above illo) :)
Hope you guys enjoy it and stay tuned tomorrow for Kara Bocek page 9: I am working on it and it's almost done :)


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. This is awesome! I really like your colors and composition! Did you ink this digitally or traditionally? Very nice work indeed sir!

  2. Ben Grimm lurking in the shadows of the woods, looking to clobber. I bet no one else has ever drawn that before, FF.

  3. Thank you both, guys :)
    Djordje: this was inked digitally for time reasons :)
    Chad: not that I known of: this could be the first time perhaps? ;)

