Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nightmare Town... anyone?

Nightmare Town!!
(click on the above image for larger view)

Yesterday's SargeSteel/Giordano tribute got me thinking: would you guys be interested in seeing some old school book illustrated by yours truly the way the old pulp magazine novel were used to do? I did a little example of what I mean (using yesterday image cause I am a little short on time today): of course if this gets the green light, I will illustrate the text accordingly ;)

So, I know it might be a little annoying to log in and leave a comment, but I would really like to hear from as many of you about this new - possibly weekly - feature. It will require to cut extra time in my already busy week, but if there is lots of interest in it, I will do my darn best to find the time.

Lemme hear it from you, pulp friends :)


EDIT: Thanks for the great response so far, everyone :)
Keep the feedback/thoughts coming, please. :D

Meanwhile here's a quick rough sketch for the illo that will be spotlighted on the first spread (as mentioned, the Sarge Steel one was a temporary layout thing - the new illos will be strictly connected with the text that goes with).
I will get to the finished version sometime soon, I am hoping, when I am done with some work that is in my plate right now.


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla

Nightmare Town!!


  1. Yes! Placing spot illustrations in a sea of text is like seeing a panda that hasn't been bred in captivity. Images as a design element rather than the whole feature would be very cool.

  2. I'm not normally much one for commenting on blogs (although I should be; I know how much it means to get feedback--and how rare it can be!) but this post prompted me to comment.

    Yes, please. Would LOVE to see your spot art for pulp stories, especially as a series.

    Was just recommended to your blog last week by a friend, and am loving it. Many thanks for the entertainment.

  3. I can't think of anyone who could do it better! ;)

    Go for it!

  4. Francesco, your work is stunning and inspirational. Every piece you post is an instant classic! Pure, perfect pulp!

  5. Hot damn, if you do some Day Keene I'll be the happiest man alive. The Brimstone Bed has always been a favourite of mine.

    But seeing you do this for any pulp will be worth it.

    Thanks for using your time so productively and sharing it!

  6. I'd love to see more of this. Your colors fit so well with the pulp genre.

  7. Yes. I'll give you a pizza party if you do it!

  8. I love to see more illustrated prose, especially in the pulp style. Your work continues to impress, Francesco!

  9. Yes please! That would be excellent!

  10. Ummmm... let me think about it...

  11. That would be fantastic. I'd pick it up in a heartbeat, so long as my past doesn't catch up to me first.

  12. At this point, with your seemingly infinite amount of time, I say you do whatever you want Francesco. I think this is a great idea, especially for the Pulp Sunday blog.

  13. Are you kidding? It's like asking if I'd like to dry Carla Gugino's toenail polish by gently blowing on her tootsies. OF COURSE.

  14. Id definitely love to see more! Awesome colors man!

  15. I just figured out it looks like a revolver. I'm loving it!

  16. Oh absolutely. These sorts of illustrations really brought the classic pulps to life and I'd love to see it continue.

  17. I'm on board! Hammett-Francesco looks like a great combo to me.

  18. Thank you so so much for taking time to leave such a great feedback and response: I really appreciate it, you guys are the best. :D

    I guess that leaves me with no other choice ;)
    NIGHTMARE TOWN will be the first of illustrated pulp tales here @ Pulp Sunday. WOrking now on scheduling a specific day of the week for this new feature but I can already say this will happen very soon. :)

    Stay tuned!


  19. Franseco,

    I am a huge admirer of your pulp style. Classic stuff. Yes, give us more.

  20. You got it, Bish :)
    And thank you so much for the kind words about my work :)

