Monday, May 10, 2010

So Long, Frank Frazetta & Peter O'Donnell

Frank Frazetta's Dracula Meets The Wolfman

Hello Pulp Friends,

this last week has been a sad one for all the pulp aficionados, with the passing of Peter O'Donnell a few days ago and today's passing of legendary Frank Frazetta.

I was lucky enough, some time ago as you know, to be involved in one of the Frazetta's book (Dracula Meets The Wolfman) and was totally geeked out to know my work was reviewed my the master himself, an artist that has been a huge inspiration for me since ever.

I am planning to pay proper tribute to Frank and Peter later this week, when I will have taken care of a couple of deadlines and have the right time to do it.
For now, So Long, Frank and Peter, you will be both greatly missed.


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