Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Tribute to O'Donnell

Death Dealer
(click on the above image for a larger view)

Hello Pulp friends,

as mentioned earlier this week, I wanted to do also a tribute piece for O'Donnell, but when I saw my dear Friend Steve Gordon's beutiful Modesty Blaise, I asked him if I could ink it(I love inking Steve's work every now and then, and I haven't done it since our Gen 13 illos), and he graciously said yes.
Of course, being me, I went a little far than just inking Steve's piece, and the result is the above "copertina" :)
Hope you enjoy it. Below are Steve's awesome pencils.

This is dedicated to you, Peter: thanks for your beautiful work.


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla & STeven E. Gordon

Modesty Blaise


  1. Beautiful. All your tributes to both O'Donnell and Frank Frazetta have been a credit to their memory.

  2. God bless America!! That is sexy, exciting and just nice to look at.

    Great work on these tributes, man.

  3. That is just wonderful. Wow.

    Lovely tribute, and a terrific Modesty!
