Friday, June 18, 2010

Lone Colors!


~~ Click on the above and below images for BIGGER views ~~

Hello guys,

You all know by now (I think :)) about my new venture as colorist for the critically acclaimed Green Hornet Year One (written by Matt Wagner with art by Aaron Campbell), but what you probably don't know is that I was asked to also provide some colors to another Dynamite popular title (which is connected historically to Green Hornet as well ;)): The Lone Ranger!

Covers are by that super talented guy (and friend) that is John Cassaday. I only colored the two covers you see here (this was one of the many little projects I do here and there in between bigger projects) but had lot of fun collaborating with John and hope to collaborate more with him in the future.
So, here are the covers of Lone Ranger #21 and #22 (both issue currently on the shelves) with art by John Cassaday and colors by me.
Hope you guys dig it :)




  1. I don't know that I would've guessed you did the colors for these, Francesco, but they look great! It may just be because Cassaday drew them. I love this series though, and glad to see you adding your touch to it.

  2. That looks fantastic. It might not mean much coming from the color blind, but it really does look great.

  3. Sir these are drop dead gorgeous colors!! Well done.

  4. I just bought these issues a couple of days ago, and the colors on these covers do add to their appeal. Good job!

  5. You are kicking some serious butt on these colors. Wow!!!!!!!
