Saturday, July 24, 2010

You Better Learn Fast...

US Robot Army
~~ click on the image for 1200px wide view ~~

... with the below RT-24 INSTRUCTION BOOK!
That's all I have to say ;)

But...only 20ish supporters? That's kinda weak, especially for a giant robot ;)
Seriuosly, hope you all are digging this because I am building up a special story for it. :)


Artwork & U.S.R.A. (United States Robot Army) © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
US Robot Army
~~ click on the image for larger view ~~


  1. Hi Francesco! Haven't been online much or i would have commented sooner. I think the USRA stuff is fantastic. Great concept with a lot of mileage, and some beautiful designs. I think you should absolutely do more with it mate, hopefully sequentially.

    Oh and i gotta snag a couple of those prints at some point too...

  2. How many crew needone of the robots? Two seems few. I like more one person or five. Two seems too... realistic.

  3. I really like the USRA concept, Francesco. I wish I'd seen these back at HeroesCon in Charlotte.

    I'd very much like to see a series.

  4. Have been enjoying the USRA stuff immensely, Francesco! Really really hope to see more of sequential form, maybe? Too much to ask? I hope not...

  5. This stuff is just beautiful! As I said on the twitters: "Consider this tweet to be my acceptance of all of your work! I've loved everything you've done & your work totally kicks ass!"

  6. Count me in for the series. And the pen and paper RPG sourcbook, cause it would rock.

  7. The illustrations completely sell the concept. I definitely would like to see more.

  8. Really looking forward to seeing the USRA in a sequential format if that's the direction you'd like to take it. Love all the posters and concept work!

    Thanks for all the effort, and for sharing this stuff with all of us.
