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Hello Pulp Friends,
with great excitement I can finally reveal that I will be part of the new Detective Comics creative team, along with talented writer Scott "American Vampire" Snyder, talented artist Jock (of Losers fame and phenomenal cover artist of one of my fave book, SCALPED), talented colorist David Baron, and super editor Mike Marts and assistant editor Janelle Siegel.
I will be drawing the co-feature focusing on Commissioner Gordon and a mysterious but dangerous figure from his past. It's gonna be a thrilling arc!
Couldn't be more excited about this.
Here's a link tot he DC annoucement and below is a shot Gordon story I did for the occasion :)
Book is slated for November relase: will make sure to give more details as we get closer :)
Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.
Detective Comics ™ and © 2010 DC Comics. All rights reserved.

That's awesome, Francesco!
Congratulations Francesco! Yesterday i was reading the new in a Spain web, and i was saying to my friend: "eh! i know hiom, is the guy from Zorro and Kara Bocek! ;)
btw: Gordon looks like my dad. Only with less weight
This is excellent news, Francesco!
You know the inspirations behind the Batman, so I think you're a perfect fit. Good luck!
Detective Comics is a marquee title, and with your pulp/noir-influenced style, you're just the guy to do it justice!
Best of luck!
Excellent news! I'll be there to see it all unfold...
Congrats , nice strip .
Awesome news! Congrats!
Jim Gordon could not be in better hands.
Hey, congratulations! I can't wait to check that out.
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