Sunday, October 31, 2010

31 Days of Halloween ~ 31: The Grand Finale!

Hello Pulp Friends

As mentioned on Day 1 of this Classic Horror Marathon, I did this little project a few years ago: each evening of October, all month long, I sat down for an hour and drew a tribute to a classic horror movie. At the end of the month I revealed the Grand Finale to this little project, the same way I am revealing it now to you all.

So please go ahead: you are only 2 clicks away from your ultimate Halloween experience :)
31 Days of Halloween: The Grand Finale
~~ Click on the image for the Grand Finale ~~

Click on the image above to view the grand finale.

Hope you enjoy it and if you do, please leave a note: I will randomly pick a winner between all entries posted until midnight ET of Nov 1st: Day of the Dead.
The winner will receive a little Francavilla horror package :)


I am also running a Halloween Special on my book - collecting this Classic Horror Movies illos (and more artwork that you haven't seen here) - SCHERMOSCURO Vol.1 and prints of the Grand Finale. Check out the side bar on the left for ordering via PayPal (books and prints are discounted and rates listed include shipping). This special sale goes all November long and amount of books are limited (
Book is limited edition, signed and numbered, and includes a little original horror sketch of my choice in the back.
Prints are 13x19" printed on archival paper with archival inks.


Thank you everyone for entering the contest, I really appreciate it :)
I resorted to a very scientific (Napoletan) method, the Tombola, to pick a random winner. The method consists in putting all the numbers in this basket:
31 Days of Halloween: The Grand Finale
and then give it a swirl and then flip it over: the number 11 came out, which means PAUL is our winner.
Paul, please send me your address and I will send you the goodies: a copy of SCHERMOSCURO Vol.1, a copy of SORROW GN, an archival print of the GRAND FINALE :)

Everyone else: please feel free to grab the book or the print (or both) during this month long sale event: all shipping and handling expenses are on me so you can save from 7 to 15 $. :)
Just click on the side paypal bar for easy ordering :)
And stay tuned, as I plan to do another little contest toward the end of the month.
31 Days of Halloween: The Grand Finale

Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. OUTSTANDING! You have picked some of the best of the classic horror flicks. Really been a treat viewing them all.

  2. FF -

    That is wonderful! Love both the presentation and the surprise art bit at the end. Nicely done, and a very nice homage to the wonderful world of Universal Horror!



  3. You, sir, are the master! Thank you so much for posting your work everyday for us all to enjoy. Beautiful!!!

  4. This was the Pièce de résistance of my Halloween! The classics via FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA - Outstanding! C'est magnifique, N'est-ce pas?

  5. Oh man! That's great. I should have known something was up with the images, haha.

  6. thanks for doing this all month long - i've enjoyed the artwork tremendously - very tastefully done, and a wonderful selection of classics! Great 'twist'-ending too!!

  7. Francesco, this has been such a delight to follow, but the masterful ending was something I didn't see coming.

    Great work, mate, and I hope to see only more of your artwork in the future - bring on Commissioner Gordon and Black Panther!


  8. Woah! That was amazing. I'm going back now and looking at the different drawings to see how that came together. You are brilliant sir!

  9. Simply amazing! I would love to see the work process to get the final image.

  10. What a great finish!
    I was starting to wonder about the composition of some those, excellent reveal!

  11. Spectaular!
    Universal horror!
    German Expressionist!
    Even Poverty Row stuff!
    A real cross-section of the best (Even Plan 9) of the genre!

    Any way to turn the Flash presentation into a screensaver?

  12. Holy Cow! I totally didn't realize the full piece that was being made until they were all down together. This is great and it's making me go back and look at all of them again.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm going to be watching and re-watching a lot of classics for the next few weeks (if not months) after following "31 Days of Halloween" -- The finale was fantastic! You are always one step ahead Signore. Bravo!

  15. I concur with Matt Duarte -- how'd you map this out? What was the process? I'm amazed by this final revelation and would too like to know your process.

  16. This has been one heck of a Halloween celebration, and the finale was spectacular! Great job!

    And I hope I'm the lucky winner. :D

  17. FF again you deliver..what a great finale for a great day.. A perfect collection of goblins and ghouls..

  18. Man, I kept expecting some horrific face and a shrill scream in an attempt to scare me. Not only relieved, but really excited how awesome this is! It's weird to think that I enjoyed each of these every day and didn't know there was a bigger picture, so to speak. Great job!

  19. These are all great! Would love to see something like this done with super-heroes!

  20. This is the tops for blogs. 31 Days of Halloween was a treat for pulp, comic, art, & Classic horror film fan alike. All for the low low price of free. The quantity & quality of Francesco's work is stunning.


  21. Simply outstanding. Brought back a lot of good memories from my youth. Thanks for sharing these with us.

  22. Simply outstanding. Brought back a lot of good memories from my youth. Thanks for sharing these with us.

  23. SPECTACULAR! You have captured the essence of some the greatest classic horror films. Been a really great spooky treat seeing each one and then the Grand Finale!



  24. terrific! I knew something great was bound to be at the end, and you definitely did not dissapoint!

  25. It might be a conflict, but I'm trying anyway. Thanks for 31 Days of free entertainment!

  26. This has been the best 31 days of Halloween art I've seen! Thanks for sharing your work, I want to own it all!

  27. Very clever! Great old movies, really nice art.

  28. Oh bravo sir! I had a sneaky suspicion these might build to a bigger picture like your Dick Tracy from a while back, but i wasn't prepared for the sheer awesomeness of it all. Well done! I want your DVD collection...

  29. Fabulous work. As someone mentioned above, I also expected a "screamer" to jump out at the end and scare me, but I think I was even more shocked at the fact that I didn't see what was coming ahead of time. Projects like this inspire me all the more to try and hone my skills so that I may someday hopefully have even 1/16th of your proficiency!

  30. Thanks for a month of classic fun! (Twitter: wyatt_e)

  31. This has been a month of fantastic pieces! I'm really looking forward to yourBlack Panther work!

  32. That was awesome! I really liked the presentation of it all and it was great to check everyday for the latest sketch.

  33. Brilliant and beautiful! Thank you Francesco! Your art and presentation are always such a pleasure. Cheers!

  34. I would love to enter into this here contest. I hope all is well with you, Francesco.

  35. Francesco,
    These are so awesome...thanks for giving me a fun way to celebrate my favorite holiday. I loved the selection, especially Nosferatu, my all time favorite horror flick...and I loved the cameo from my Baltimore con sketch. Thanks again for that wonderful Fly piece :)
    Mike G

  36. This was a daily treat for the entire month, then my mind was blown with the grand finale! Awesome!

  37. Such a great array of monsters, well-known and not! Loved seeing The Thing From Another World... and the finale! Superb!

  38. This was a fantastic countdown Sr. Francavilla. A lot of dedication on your part to pull it all off. Can't imagine how you juggled work with this and still produce art of this caliber.

  39. Alright, contest is closed.
    Thank you so much for entering/partecipating and for the sweet notes, I really appreciate them :)
    Will come back tomorrow (tuesday, probably around 2 pm ET)) with a randomly chosen winner and will announce it here and on twitter. Will also answer to any questions were posted here.
    Again, thanks everyone for making this a FUN Halloween time :)

