Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coming in 2011

Coming in 2011
~~ Click on the image for bigger size! ~~

Hola Pulp Amigos,

A little teaser from one of my creator owned projects/books I am planning to launch in 2011. Sorry if I can't tell you more right now, but I hope you guys enjoy the teaser art and have a wonderful Pulp Sunday :)


Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Creator owned? Awesomesauce! Can't wait!

  2. I am so IN. Please keep us posted. That look ominously cool. The story is at this point unknown to us, but the story teller is known to be one of the best! Bring it on. Please!

  3. Selfishly I want the best of both worlds--you on as many comics as possible, especially ones with creator-owned freedom, but selfishly I am hoping for a wide open commission schedule. Yeah, work that one out...

  4. The guy dresses himself very Time Lord-like. But he has a knife,so... i fear is somebody who you don't like as enemy.

  5. I sense a Eastwood-Leone-Morrocone influenced project.

  6. "The guy dresses himself very Time Lord-like."

    That's not a cowl. It's a sombrero.
    Nonetheless, it looks intriguing (as does ALL of Francesco's stuff). ;-)

  7. OUCH. Sorry, i was sleepy, non patyin attention. Well, now we have a fun thingto remember me every time im wrong :P
