Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Pulpy New Year!

Coming in 2011
~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~

Hello Pulp Friends,

I wanted to wish you all a Happy Pulpy New Year! Hope it will be a healthy a good one for you all and your families :)

2011 looks like is gonna be another busy year for me (which is always a good thing, yes? ;)) so here's a little peek at what's coming in the first half of it. Hope you guys tune in all along and will enjoy most of it :)


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla


  1. And a Pulpy new year to you too, Francesco. ;)

  2. That looks simply smashing. Happy 2011!!

  3. This looks great have a great year!

  4. Happened upon issue 1 of Green Hornet Year One so flipped through it as I enjoyed the Zorro with you and Matt Wagner (one of my favorite reads all time). The art reminded me a bit of your art and I then saw that you are the colorist. Would rather you be the penciller, inker and colorist, but your touch is noticeable and wonderful--ordered the trade today.

  5. Looks like 2011 is off to a great start.

  6. I can't wait to see more of your Hellboy covers. That golden box thing with the flame has me wondering
