Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Lovecraft State of Mind

~ Above: detail of a pencilled paged from a famouse Lovecraft's tale adaptation - click on the image for a 1300pixel wide closer look at the pencils ~

Hello Pulp Friends,

Lately I have been listening to some HP Lovecraft related podcasts, and with the arrival of my comps of the book LOVECRAFT Black & WHite (published by Dagon Press) I did the cover for, I got nostalgic and went to dig some old Lovecraftian art I did a few years ago.

LOVECRAFT Black and White
~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~

The pencilled panel on top of this post and the inkwashed panels below are from an adaptation of a Lovecraft tale I was doing some time ago. Most of the pages are pencilled and a few are inked and inkwashed already: need to get to ink the remaining so I can actually put it out there in its entirety :)

~ Above: detail of inked page - click on the image for a closer look at the details ~

And while we are at it, here's a page from a story I did 20 ys ago (!!!) that won a couple of awards and got me in touch with the Italian comic industry. This short tale was written and illustrated by me and was inspired by some local folklore, but I couldn't help to put some Lovecraft touches into it (Yeah, I have been fan of HP for a while as you can see ;))

Hope you guys enjoy these and I hope you all have a wonderful Pulp Sunday :)


~ Above: page 2 of a short horror tale (1990 circa) click on the image for larger view ~

Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla

1 comment:

  1. I took these in yesterday--magnificent. They seem somehow more "serious" than comics, so I was intimidated out of commenting, but they are Beautiful!
