Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chills, Thrills, and Fear... From The Deep!

Click on the image for the larger BIG POSTER!!! ;)
Francavilla's FROM THE DEEP

Hello Pulp Friends,

And this is the last installment for October of "FROM THE DEEP". But no worries: I've been developing this over the month and you are definitely gonna see more of it (in comic format) in 2012: another thing to look forward in the new year ahead :D

Wish you all a wonderful Pulp Sunday and a HAPPY HALLOWEEN tomorrow!


"From TheDeep" created by and © 2011 Francesco Francavilla
Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla


  1. 2012 is promising to be a great ride. Is this now two possible tales you have for us?

  2. GAH! How did I miss this piece? Outstanding, my friend!
