Sunday, December 25, 2011

"Dr.Freezyll & Mr.Ice" ~ A Chilling Tale of Horror (2011)

Dr.Freezyll & Mr.Ice -A Chilling Tale of Horror
~~ Click on the image for the bigger poster! ~~

Merry Christmas, Pulp Friends!!! :)

As some of you know, in the FF/PulpSunday tradition, in the past few years my Xmas cards have been about classic movies and snowmen (remember "CAPTAIN COLD" & "HOUSE OF ICE"?) and this year is no exception :)
So I give you "DR.FREEZYLL AND MR.ICE", A Chilling Tale of Horror!

Thank you so much , everyone, for the continous love and support: exciting things are ahead for the 2012, for Pulp Sunday's 5th Anniversary and - you might have heard ;) - for The Black Beetle and much more. So, stay tuned and - meanwhile - Buon Natale and Happy Holidays to y'all :)


"Dr.Freezyll & Mr.Ice" created by and © 2011 Francesco Francavilla
Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla


  1. A very Merry Christmas and, based on what I'm seeing under you name in previews, I'm sure you and your fans are going to have a happy new year.

  2. Very cool post & very nice blog! Keep up the great work!
