Sunday, January 8, 2012


~~ Click on the images for biggie ~~

Hello Pulp friends,

here's something that is really "pulp" as it's from 23 years ago: one of my first (of many) drawings of the Frankenstein Monster :)
Below you can see the original drawing, from 1989, all in charcoal (note I already had a passion to hand draw titles/text in the art at that time ;)), and above is an updated version from this morning: decided to give it a color treatment and when I was done I realized I had channeled - subconscious - a Basil Gogos vibe into it.

Any-who, hope you guys dig it and wish you all a wonderful Pulp Sunday :)


Artwork © 2012 Francesco Francavilla

~~ Click on the images for biggie ~~

1 comment:

  1. That does have a real Gogos feel to it. I see he's wearing the fur vest from Son of Frankenstein. Very cool.
