Sunday, May 19, 2013

~~ THE SHADOW ~~ Double Feature

THE SHADOW #16 Cover Art by Francesco Francavilla
~~ Click on the images for biggie ~~

Hello Pulp Friends,

  After the 1970s of the last 2 Sundays, we go back to the 40s with a DOUBLE PULP FEATURE featuring THE SHADOW! :)

  Above is my cover for THE SHADOW #16 and below is the cover for #17, both of which should hit the stand in June and July.

THE SHADOW #15 Cover Art by Francesco Francavilla

Have a wonderful Pulp Sunday, everyone! :)



  1. Imagine uncovering your whole body and swathing it in a bit of cloth, but you mustn't forget your mask!!! Great picture F.

  2. Love the design on the top one. The juxtaposition of the woman's curves against the more geometric shape of the Shadow's silhouette and the sharp color contrasts really catches the eye.

  3. This art is great! In regards to the Shadow, he's going to have a team-up miniseries with the Green Hornet called "Dark Knights".

    Is there any chance you'll be doing any art for it, be it cover or otherwise?
