Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pulp in the Making

The Radio Transmissions Will Be Resumed Soon.

Meanwhile hope you guys enjoy this sneak peek at the process behind Zorro #2 (which will be out at the very beginning of April) :)




  1. I love watching process. I have said it before and shall say it again. I am always amazed at the step between your pencil roughs and ink.

  2. do you ink wash digitally or actually get the fingers dirt and brush it on?

    I love seing the process. Beautiful stuff.

    At what point in the process does Matt Wagner involve himself in your art? Will you get to do a Front Cover in the series?

  3. Love the b/w linework with the ink-wash. Reminded of the large bw magazines Marvel did in the 70's. Makes me wish that was the final look of the comic.

  4. Just found this page and I have to say I absolutely love it. I know of your official site but didn't know this was around. Time to look into more. PULP LIVES!

  5. cunnigham: thank you :) I'll post some more preview art next week. Meanwhile I hope you enjoyed issue 2 of Zorro, out in the stores last week.
    srh: just trying to save some time and not drawing all the same content twice. It's a bit risky (if you screw up with the inks) but I am an optimistic :D Thank you!
    Ilia: thank you :) The inks are all traditional, pencil, inks, washes. So I ahve plenty of inks all over my hands ;) Matt review the layouts and then the final pages. So far most of the notes come after the layouts. There have been a very few minor fix to the final inks as well. No front covers on this first 8 ish mini. Maybe on the second one ;)
    Gorman: Thank you! :) Maybe they will do a B/W director's cut version, who knows ;)
    Anthony: I am glad you got here then :) I try to promote this blog on my website and on forums. Let's hope the crowd will grow bigger and bigger -Pulp is still very much alive :) Thank you!

