Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Carnival of Death" (Nov 10, 1940)

Poison Death Hello Pulp friends,

I am back and I am back with apologies for my long interruption of your favorite radio program. I was under a couple of very important (and tight) deadlines, and pretty much turned myself in one of those monks from the Middle Age who spent the whole day (every holy day) hunched on the table and writing miniature text. I think they were Benedettini, from San benedetto, and their motto was "Ora et Labora" (prey and work, that's all you have to do ;)). But I am digressing. So, I am back with another Shadow radio episode (see below) and with an announcement: to make up for the long absence, what if we declare this upcoming week the Pulp Sci-Fi week? Every day I will spotlight some cool pulp sci-fi hero. Stay tuned :)

The Shadow
"Every move you make will be closely watched by...
The Shadow!"

Police's song comes to mind ;)

Dead bodies in the wax museum, real quicksand in the basement, an underground secret railway, a ghost train, and the shadow of a tragedy happened 10 years earlier looming over the colorful lights and the festive crowd of the Carnival.
Is this really an amusement park? Well, not much amusement for Lamont and Margo who were planning to have some fun at the Carnival and eneded up solving a case of missing people and murders. I know, it sounds like a lot of meat for one single episode, but the writers manage to make it work perfectly and even give more "screen time" to Margo in this episode. Even if there is a feel of "hauntings" and "ghosts" around the old subway and the wax museum, we will discover that once again the mind behind all this is pretty "real" and directly connected to the tragedy that hit the amusement park years before.

Have a Pulp SUnday, everyone!


Download from the Archive


  1. Whoo hoo! You're back. I was just about to send you a note encouraging you for your deadlines (which was the only reason I could think of that you wouldn't do a Pulp Sunday). Keep up the good work anyway!

    I'm going to love Pulp Sci-Fi week! I know it's your thing, but can I do an illustration for it?

  2. Think I have this one on CD. And it's the only one I've heard so far that has the radio Shadow firing a gun.

  3. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Placa de VĂ­deo, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  4. Kyle: thank you :) Been really busy but now things seems to be a little more "normal" or "less busy" if you wish :P Sure, email me the illo and a blurb to go with (like I do): I am not taking anything without commentary ;)
    Gorman: now that you mentioned, I too noticed that the shadow barely have used any weapon whatsoever in these radio shows (or the ones I have listened to). Good trivia and thanks for the kind words :)
    Placa: Thank you :) Really appreciated the kind comment :)

  5. it is nice to see you back. love your art. we all know that artists' have deadlines, so we can live the necessary breaks.

    honestly, that is a killer Ming. Nice. Glad to have the Shadow back.

  6. Ya- Hoooooooooo!

    More Shadow! More Flash!

    I agree with Ilia: Killer Ming!

  7. Ilia and Bill: thank you so much, guys, I am glad you dig Ming and are happy to see me back on the shadow: I am happy too to be back :)

