Hello Pulp Friends :)
Soo, this is weird: I tried the whole day to get on the old radio shows of the Archive.org, but I got the message the "items" are not available all day.
So let's rely on our dear feature "Pulp Pinup" to save the day ;)
Today's pinup is dedicated to some of the most noirish character of the recent times: Blacksad by Spanish writer Juan Díaz Canales and Spanish artist Juanjo Guarnido. Blacksad is a private eye black panther in a world of anthropomorphic noir set in 1950. No, this is not a "furry" comicbook: once you start to read it, you forget these are animals and you get fully captured by this story that will kick you in the guts. If you like Sin City, you should give this GNs a try (even if they might be a little hard to find in English version).
Pulp Pinup is dedicated to showcase commissions, pinups, or simple sketches I do every now and then, dedicated to our beloved pulp heroes.