Saturday, September 13, 2008

MPC Week: " Sin City: The Stolen Car"

Modern Pulp Comics
Hello Pulp Friends!

As promised here's some more Sin City "stuff".

First a short story, well a "all-in-one-panel" story to be precise, featuring our old friend Marv. I suggest to click on the image below to display a bigger size version of it, so you can read Marv's captions. And speaking of it, I tried to censor the colorful talk of Marv but something might have gone through, so be prepared for his peculiar language ;)

Sin City - Marv
And to end this post, a hearty tribute to that Yellow Bastard ;)


Sin City - That Yellow Bastard

"Modern Pulp Comics" © 2008 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Theses are great, Francesco. Cool BG's on both. I had to laugh at your censored text, considering the g%$#!mned B@&#@n stuff that recently came out.

  2. Ol' Marv's got a tongue no mother could love, eh? ;)
    I love the irony of the Marv panel, Francesco! Brilliant!


  3. Rory: Thank you! :D and yes, I did this back in the days but I decided to censor the words just because of that f@#&% hilarious stuff you are mentioning ;)
    Dave: thank you, glad you like it :) Marv is such a bad boy ;)

    I hope you guys noticed the subtle face (eyes, mouth) of Marv's shadow on the brick wall ;)

