Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Zorro - Chapter 7

Zorro #5

Hi guys,

The penultimate chapter of Zorro's origins came out today: things are escalating as the two timelines are aligning toward the explosive (and I am not talking figuratively here ;)) finale in the next issue (out in October).
Till then I hope you all enjoy what Matt and I have cooked for you and this 2 pages B/W preview :)


Zorro #5 - page 6
Zorro #5 - page 6


  1. Nice pages, and that image with his shadow is amazing!!

  2. I just my hands on a copy of #7, and it looked great Francesco. That double page spread is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a long while. If Dynamite doesn't make some kind of poster of it, they're nuts. I'd buy it in a second.

  3. Hey now...whipping monks just isn't right! Whipping cream, however....mmm-mm!)

    I have to say again Francesco, your art really makes this story sing. Obviously a labor of love! Congrats to you, sir!


  4. Can I say, not for the first time, how much I love this book. When I heard you were the artist I thought, well yes, of course, that makes sense, and you have not disappointed.

  5. i agree with rory on the zorro shadow image. stunning. iconic actually.

    i like the wanted poster partial hidden by the zorro wanted poster. pretty low reward for that f.f. fella.

    beautiful work. i am heading off with my son for our weekly comic run and will pick up my copy.

    the sad part of this is that there is very little for a 11 year old to pick up and read. one of the sad states of the comic book industry. luckily he likes sonic and naruto.

    great work Francesco.

  6. Rory: thank you so much :) I was happy with how turned out as well ;)
    Evan: thank you, glad you enjoyed the book and, particularly, that double spread: I had to do a few takes before getting to that final shot :)
    Dave: HA! Yeah, whipping cream is good, alright ;) Thank you, and yes, I did put a bit of my heart in this :)
    Greg: Thank you, and I am so happy to hear I didn't disappoint the expectations :)
    Ilia: thank you! :) Yeah, I am not worth that much... in pesos ;) I think Zorro can be a good read for your son too: I am trying to keep it pg everyone, on the visual front.


  7. Francesco,
    I located this website of yours quite by accident, while looking for Zorro pulp art. But, I'm delighted I found it! I've been collecting, reading and enjoying everything Zorro for over 40+ years!
    The Dynamite Entertainment Zorro series is fantastic, and I love your work on The Black Coat as well!
    I do have one question, that I would be very pleased, if you'd be so kind to answer.
    The one thing that is missing, for me, is Zorro's trade mark mustache!
    It may (seem) like a small thing, but it isn't to me.
    Most fictional comics heroes are clean-shaven.
    Zorro's mustache is one of the unique things about him that makes him my # 1 favourite fictional character of al time. Will Zorro, in the Dynamite Entertainment comics series, ever grow his trademark mustache?
    I don't, of course, mean the fake mustache that Don Diego de la Vega is currently wearing, when he is NOT Zorro.
    Let me know, please?

    Phil Latter
    Halifax, Nova Scotia

  8. Hey Phil,

    sorry for the late reply, I just found out about your post.
    First: thank you so much for the kind words, I am glad you have enjoyed the books so far :)
    As for the mustache, I think you need to ask Matt Wagner: he is in charge of the story and the look (as Art Director) of the character. Sadly I am not informed on the future look of our beloved hero ;)

