Sunday, March 22, 2009

Introducing Max Malone

Max Malone
A Blast from the Past!

Hello Pulp Friends,

a couple of weeks back I told to our friend Neue that I was a big fan of Tech-Noir as well and I even did some sequentials, back in the days, in that genre. Well, I dug 'em up and they are 15 years old (it was 1994 AD ;)) so be gentle if you see some stiffness and a few issues ;)

I remember creating Max Malone for a monthly magazine: it's gonna be harder try to find all the character sheets and concept art, but now that I look at it, I may try to give it some new life (see new logo above, i.e.), maybe as webcomic? What you guys think?
The original story was inspired a bit by Blade Runner but I think I will change that if I give this another go.

Apologies for the italian balloons, which I drew straight in the pages, but I hope the action reads well anyway.

Hope you dig it :)


Max Malone
Max Malone


  1. Holy Crap! That's wonderful. If you can, do webcomic.

  2. As Kyle Latino said. It was nothing short of amazing. Even the star name's amazing! Max Malone (sounds sooo bad-ass) I hope his adventures are as great as the setting. Can't wait to read the following installement. and... by the way... Glad you remembered my name!

    P.S Oh Francesco, is a WebComic a great way to start working on the medium nowadays? I'm not eager to have a gig on Marvel on DC in some years time (my spirit is independent, although i read some titles from the big two) I'd rather work into something i created and if it's self-publishing sounds way better! (do not forget i'm a rookie writer)

    P.S Now... I just gotta find an artist. That's the hard part.

  3. Kyle: thank you for the kind reply, I am glad you dig it :D
    Neue: Thank you :D I always remember the names of my Pulp friends in here :)
    About webcomics: I am not sure I am the more qualified person to answer that since I haven't done any specific webcomic (except for the Post Scriptum experiment). I know for sure it's the cheapest and fastest way to put a book/character out while waiting to get a publishing deal, and you can start building an audience which eventually will lead to sales once the book is printed. Other than that I don't know if it's better than other options.
    Good luck with the artist' hunt :)


  4. I'm back from Spring Break and there's so many wonderful things to see here, Francesco!
    I think something like this would be perfect for a webcomic (webcomics have worked well for me!), so work up a format and let 'er rip! I'd love to see what your current style could do with this type of stuff!
    All the best,

  5. Thank you for your reply. I started a severe Artist hunt beggining today. Fingers crossed!

  6. Dave: WHAAAA?!? I am here busting my butt working and you go on Spring Break? It's unfair... ;) :P Thanks for your opinion about the possible webcomic, much appreciated :) Hope you had fun on SB, btw ;)
    Neue: good luck! And please keep in mind that if there is no money involved, you will be better if you find an artist who LOVES the genre: I think it's easier to do unpaid work when you really love the subject ;)


  7. HAHA! Beh. Federico, uno col nome Melone deve far paura, no? ;)
    Grazie, cumpa' :)

