Wednesday, March 18, 2009


No, it's not the classic movie with Paul Muni (even if it's on my list of things to tackle here at Pulp Sunday) or the remake with Pacino either. What I am referring to here is Gonzales who now shows quite a few scars after his last meeting with Zorro (issue 8). Well, he will be back in issue 12, uglier than ever, but you can take a peek at his ugly mug on the back cover of the current issue 11 of Zorro which comes out today in the stores.

Also, last week, the hardcover collecting the first arc (drawn by me) hit the stores so, if you haven't had chance to collect the single issues or you like to get the trase HC anyway, now it's the time to do it ;)

I will be back drawing interiors on the third arc: stay tuned for more details and sneak peeks.



  1. I bet that hurt.

    Again, FF, the smallest details make the portrait. For me, that slight lip scar finishing off the crook of the bottom half of the "Z." Zorro made sure he got the full Z-stroke in there!

  2. wow - what a great story this image tells... well done

  3. Gotta buy some Zorro issues then, Dynamite Entertainment goodness!

  4. Chad: it hurts like a b!tch! ;) Glad you liked the cover and the little details in there :D
    BrikHed: it is my goal to tell a bit of a story even with one single image, so your comment made me very happy :D Thank you!
    Neue: the hardcover collecting my first 8 issues of Zorro just came out: it's the best way to jump on board (plus it looks good on the shelf ;))

