Thursday, June 25, 2009

BB & Heroes

Black Beetle: No Way Out Cover
Hello Pulp friends :)

Heroes was (once again) a great show for me (thanks to all who commissioned me convention sketches and bought my books and prints) and for Black Beetle too: I sold out of the 30 copies I brought with me at the show (10 de-luxe and 20 regular). Everyone was picking up the sample ashcan I had on my table and ask the same question: "When it's coming out?" :D
I think our BB has definitely made an impression on the crowd at the show :)

I had a couple of BB requests (convention sketches - above is one of them) and had collegues and friends doing some BB fanart/homage as well (our own Dave Flora actually did his way before the show :)), a couple of them with a smiling BB :).
Steve Epting, Dave Flora, Brad Millette, Manuel Aguillera, Cory Laub: thank you so much, guys, it's always cool to see the different takes on our new pulp hero :)
I gave all of them the old paper treatment and posted below for all to see :D

I will be shipping some more ashcans and prints soon to those who ordered via blog/website - thank you again for the support and for diggin Black Beetle :) Anybody else who's interested in a copy of the ashcan, please email me with your choice (regulare or deluxe) and I will take care of you (as long I still have copies available).

Stay tuned for this Sunday next BB page!


Black Beetle

Black Beetle

Black Beetle

Black Beetle

Black Beetle

All images © 2009 respective Authors.
BLACK BEETLE & COLT CITY created by, ™ and © 2009 Francesco Francavilla


  1. Mate i cant wait too see more of BB
    i wonder what will happen on ComicCon in San Diego if you go there maybe some publisher will take BB for a run

  2. The many faces of the Black Beetle!) I'm glad to be have a part...I'll have a better drawing of BB soon!
    You've done a great job of creating a very iconic and easily recognizable character here, wonder people are excited!
    I'm going to enjoy my ashcan!)

  3. Great to meet you last weekend Francesco, and thanks for the ashcan - I love it! I can't wait to see where you go with The Black Beetle.

  4. Slavi: thank you :) Good things will happen, regardless of the publisher :)
    Dave: Thank you! :) Can't wait to see your next take on BB (the first was already pretty awesome :)). Book should ship tomorrow so stay tuned.
    Steve: It was wonderful to meet you too, Steve. Too bad that the show was so busy and we didn't get to chat a little longer but I am hoping to fix that in SD :) Glad you enjoyed the book and thanks again for the beautiful cool BB sketch :)

